Heathfield’s Helping Hands

If you are a resident or run a business in the community, we hope that this website provides all the information you may need.

For people visiting the site for the first time, we welcome you to Heathfield!

Find out more

About us

This website is a service provided by the Heathfield Partnership Trust Ltd, a charity, and it is designed to inform residents and visitors of what the town and community have to offer.

Please take a look at the information on the site, which we hope you will find informative and interesting.

  • Community Projects

    Wealden Works

    The Heathfield Partnership Trust supported the launch and early activities of the charity, Wealden Works. This project aimed to help young people transition into full-time education, training, or employment.

Latest news

  • Wealden Works: A Strong Start at Tunstall House

    What an amazing start to our occupancy at Tunstall House! The combination of its modern yet welcoming design and inviting décor has sparked countless conversations among visitors and service users alike.

    Find out more